Previous workshops Recommendations
The Workshop on Radiation Monitoring for the International Space Station is an annual meeting to discuss the scientific definition of an adequate radiation monitoring package and its use by the scientific community on the ISS. Types of instruments and research topics need to be defined in order to optimise the radiation safety of the ISS crew. For further questions please contact the chairman of the workshop Dr. Günther Reitz ( at the German Aerospace Center (DLR). The table below lists the workshops held so far, with links to the proceedings.
The 27th Workshop will be hosted by Southwest Research institute (SwRI) in Boulder, Co, USA,
on 3–5 September 2024 (1301 Walnut Street). Please fill out the
registration form
and insert an abstract, if you plan to give a talk, and send the
document to before
31 July 2024. Please click
here for more
information on the venue and travel directions, and
here for the workshop program.
After very fruitful discussions a set of recommendations (available from the left hand menu) for future research and instrument development was issued and distributed to all relevant bodies.
Intercalibration campaignsDuring the fourth WRMISS in Farnborough, all participants agreed that it is necessary to establish a process for calibration and intercomparison of space radiation dosimeters. A group (Günther Reitz, Rudolf Beaujean, Tom Borak, Kazunobu Fujitaka and Jack Miller) was established to coordinate the calibrations at the following facilities:
Last update: 22 August 2024 |