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Workshops on Radiation Monitoring for the International Space Station

Fourteenth WRMISS Workshop

The 14th Workshop took place on 8–10 September 2009 in Dublin, Ireland. Please click here for the program and abstract book. The presentations can be downloaded from the links below.


Dosimetry and LET spectrometry in He 150 MeV/n MONO and C 290 MeV/n SOBP HIMAC ion beams—first results obtained by different detectors

F. Spurny

Preliminary Results of SI3 and ICCH-CR-39 experiments obtained by PADC track etch detectors

B. Dudás

DOSIS (HIMAC Intercomparison) and NSRL Solar Particle Event (low LET efficiency)

T. Berger (data not published yet, please contact author)

Structuring of Database for ICCHIBAN Experiments and Brief Reports on the Ongoing Experiments

H. Kitamura

Radiation measurements for DOBIES (Dosimetry of BIological Experiments in Space)

D. O'Sullivan

Radiation measurements with passive detectors during recent Shuttle flights

Y. Roed

Summary of 2008–2009 SRAG’s Radiation Measurements in Low-Earth Orbit Using Passive Radiation Detectors

R. Gaza (data not published yet, please contact author)

First Area Monitoring using Area PADELS onboard the KIBO

A. Nagamatsu (data not published yet, please contact author)

Time variation of dose quantities obtained by passive dosimeters onboard International Space Station

S. Kodaira

Radiation measured in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) during STS126 Space Mission

Y. Roed (data not published yet, please contact author)

Radiation Measured during ISS-Expedition 16-17 with Different Dosimeters

E. Semones (data not published yet, please contact author)

Canadian high-energy Neutron Spectrometry System

B. Lewis

Determination of the charged particle response of the HPA neutron PADC dosemeter in the ISS, using calibrations and calculations

L. Hager (data not published yet, please contact author)

Dose Measurements Onboard the ISS with Pille TLD System

P. Szántó

Docking of Space Shuttle with ISS Drops down the measured SAA Doses

Ts. Dachev

Long-term variation of the trapped flux

N. Nikolaeva

DOSIS and DOSTEL E Results

S. Burmeister (data not published yet, please contact author)

ALTEA: Latest results and comparison with other instruments

L. Narici

Bubble Detector Measurements of the International Space Station as part of the MATROSHKA–R Experiment

R. Machrafi

Dose Characteristics on and inside the spherical phantom MATROSHKA-R

I. Jadrníčková

Comparison of Space Radiation Doses inside the MATROSHKA–Torso Phantom installed outside the ISS with doses in a human body in ORLAN-M spacesuit

V. Shurshakov

MATROSHKA—current status and Effective Dose from MTR 1 and MTR 2A

T. Berger (data not published yet, please contact author)

Preliminary Results from MATROSHKA-2B Thermoluminescence Dosimetry. Part 1: Spatial Distribution of Absorbed Dose in the Phantom Slices

M. Hajek (data not published yet, please contact author)

Preliminary Results from MATROSHKA-2B Thermoluminescence Dosimetry. Part 2: Absorbed Doses in the Organ and Poncho Packages

P. Bilski (data not published yet, please contact author)

MATROSHKA 2B: SRAG’s Preliminary Results

R. Gaza (data not published yet, please contact author)

Preliminary Results of MATROSHKA-IIB experiments and comparison to previous measurements on the ISS

J. Palfalvi (data not published yet, please contact author)

MTR I+IIA Active Measurements

J. Labrenz (data not published yet, please contact author)

Measurements and Simulations

ODI—Open Data Interface for SAAPS, SEDAT, and SPENVIS

D. Heynderickx

MATSIM: Development of a Numerical Model for the MATROSHKA Phantom

A. Zechner

Modeling Microdosimetric Spectra of Absorbed Dose and Dose Equivalent due to Exposure of Tissue and Silicon at International Space Station (EuCPADs)

P. Beck

Simulations of MATROSHKA experiment at ISS using PHITS

L. Sihver

Correlating the ISS-6A Liulin/TEPC measurements with simulation using HZTERN

F. Badavi

Earth and Moon Radiation Environment Results Obtained by RADOM Instrument on Indian Chandrayyan-1 Satellite. Comparison with Model

Ts. Dachev

New Developments

The Performance of the Medipix2 TimePix device in a range of Heavy Ion Beams

L. Pinsky

Update on NASA TEPC measurements and next generation hardware developments

E. Semones

High Sensitive MOSFET–based neutron dosimeter for space applications

M. Fragopoulou

Development of Tissue Equivalent Detectors for Space Crew Dosimetry and Characterisation of the Space Radiation Environment

E. Benton (data not published yet, please contact author)

RAZREZ system for RADIOSCAL Experiment

V. Petrov

RaDI-N Measurement of Neutron Radiation on the International Space Station

L. Bennett

A Study of Phoswich Detectors for Dosimetry Measurements

E. Dönsdorf

Future Activities

Preparation of Proton Irradiation System for Intercomparison Experiments of Luminescence Detectors (Proton-ICCHIBAN-2)

Y. Uchihori

European Activities in Space Dosimetry

G. Reitz (data not published yet, please contact author)

Last update: 12 April 2012