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Workshops on Radiation Monitoring for the International Space Station

Twentyfirst WRMISS Workshop

The 21st Workshop took place on 6–8 September 2016 in Noordwijk, The Netherlands. Please click here for the program and abstract book. Most presentations can be downloaded from the links below (for presentations with no download link, please contact the author).

Scientific Session 1

AMS1 secondary proton analysis and its contribution to the ISS dosimetric validation

Francis F. Badavi

Scientific Session 2

Estimation of Exposure Levels for Consequences of Solar Particle Events

Myung-Hee Y. Kim

A generalized approach for modelling deep space radiation exposures

Samy El-Jaby

Utilization of ground experiments for reliable dose estimate in space

J.K. Pálfalvi

Scientific Session 3

Deconvolution study of the glow curves of LiF:Mg,Ti and LiF:Mg,Cu,P

Alessio Parisi

Progress report on CANDY silicon detector

M. Kákona

Results from FOTON Satellite using MOSFET

M. Fragopoulou

Scientific Session 4

An update on Monte Carlo simulations of the radiation environment at space tourism altitudes

Samy El-Jaby

Pille Measurements on ISS (April 2015 – Dec 2015)

A. Hirn

Matroshka-R and Radi-N2 Experiments using Bubble Detectors: ISS-43/44 and ISS-45/46

Martin Smith

Construction of Long Term Interplanetary H and He Datasets in the Framework of the ESA SEPEM/ESHIEM/SEPCALIB Projects

D. Heynderickx

Scientific Session 5

The DOSIS and DOSIS 3D project on-board the International Space Station—Current Status and Science Overview

Thomas Berger

The DOSIS and DOSIS 3D project on-board the International Space Station—Results of the DOSTEL instruments

Soenke Burmeister

Contribution of galactic cosmic rays and of Earth radiation belt into the daily dose aboard the ISS determined by the data of RMS ISS

Andrey Lishnevskii

Scientific Session 6

Overview of the ISS radiation environment observed during EXPOSE-R2 mission in 2014–2016

T.P. Dachev

The energetic Solar Particle Events (SPEs) measured by ALTEA in the ISS during the ALTEA-shield experiment (2011–2012): first 1.5 years long study of SPE radiation inside a space habitat

L. Narici

Scientific Session 7

Shielding evaluation of the ISS ‘KIBO’ hull wall for space radiation between radiation dosimetry inside/outside and PHITS simulation

Aiko Nagamatsu

Radiation protection properties of additional shielding «protective curtain» installed in crew cabin of Russian segment of ISS

Raisa Tolochek

ALTEA Measurements on radiation shielding efficacy of Kevlar, compared to Polyethylene performances, in the International Space Station

L. Narici

Scientific Session 8

EuCPAD: First Results from the European Crew Personal Active Dosimeter (OpNom: ESA Active Dosimeter—EAD) onboard the International Space Station (ISS)

Thomas Berger, Ulrich Straube

First Results from the ISS-RAD Charged Particle Detector

Cary Zeitlin

Preliminary On-Orbit Neutron Dose Equivalent and Energy Spectrum Results from the ISS-RAD Fast Neutron Detector (FND)

Martin Leitgab

Scientific Session 9

Comparison of RAM dose data with calculated dose using an updated ISS CAD

Kerry Lee

Update on the NASA Plans for Dosimetry in Support of Manned Spaceflight

E.J. Semones

Radiation investigations onboard ExoMars missions. Results for radiation parameters during TGO cruise to Mars

T. Dachev

Scientific Session 10

Latest Results from the MSL-RAD Experiment

Cary Zeitlin

The dependence of Martian surface radiation on atmospheric depth

Jingnan Guo

Particle spectra on the Martian surface—An update on the comparison of models and MSL-RAD measurements

Daniel Matthiä

Scientific Session 11

Orion Exploration Mission 1: Proposed Radiation Measurements in Cislunar Space

Razvan Gaza

Update on MEDIPIX Developments

Lawrence Pinsky

Description of the Liulin-ISS-2 system for personal dosimetric control of Russian cosmonauts inside and outside ISS

T.P. Dachev

Scientific Session 12

CZENDA—the Czech Experimental Novel Dosimetry Assembly aboard the BION-M2 Russian satellite

O. Ploc

Status Report of Active Space Radiation Detector, A-DREAMS-2 at NIRS

H. Kitamura

Development of the radiation and magnetic field measurement payload RadMag

A. Hirn

Last update: 10 July 2018