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Twentysecond WRMISS Workshop![]() Invited talkSpace Radiation Superconductive Shield: a new approachR. BattistonScientific Session 1Solar modulation, Forbush decreases and Solar Energetic Particles measured by AMS on the ISSM. PalermoScientific Session 2Evaluation of Galactic Cosmic Ray Models Using AMS2 DataF. F. BadaviResults and lessons learned from calibration measurements of the TRITEL 3D silicon detector telescope at the HIMAC accelerator facilityA. HirnMicrodosimetric modeling of the relative efficiency of luminescent detectors exposed to heavy charged particlesA. ParisiScientific Session 3LIDAL: Light Ion Detector for ALTEAA. RizzoParticle Type and Energy Identification in Single Pixellated Silicon DetectorsG. P. StuartAIRDOS an open source dosimeter for measurement on board of aircraftM. KákonaThe sensitivity of p-MOSFET dosemeter to heavy ionsM. FragopoulouScientific Session 4Contribution of Different Particles onboard Bion-M1 Estimated by Means of Plastic Nuclear Track DetectorsI. AmbrožováThe PHOENIX radiobiological experiment on-board the Russian segment of the ISS supported by passive dosimetry—First resultsA. StrádiNeutron Spectrometry and Dosimetry on spacecraft with passive detector systemA. ZaniniMatroshka-R and Radi-N2 Experiments using Bubble Detectors: ISS-47/48 and ISS-49/50M. SmithScientific Session 5Pille Measurements on ISS (June 2016 – April 2017)A. HirnDOSIS & DOSIS 3D onboard the ISS: Current status, science overview, work in progressT. BergerResults from the ISS-RAD Charged Particle Detector and Comparisons to MSL-RADC. ZeitlinScientific Session 6One and a Half Years Onboard ISS: Neutron Dose Equivalent and Energy Spectrum Results from the ISS-RAD Fast Neutron DetectorM. LeitgabISS Radiation Environmental Monitor (REM) Transition to Operations: RAM to REM TransitionR. GazaScientific Session 7Comparison of Silicon-Based DetectorsR. RiosExperiment Liulin-5: Results from radiation environment investigations on the International Space Station and interplanetary space with Liulin charged particle telescopeK. KrastevRelativistic electron precipitation bands and relativistic electrons in Earth’s inner radiation beltT. P. DachevScientific Session 8Studies of SPEs as measured in the ISS in 2011–2012L. NariciEarth magnetic field activity induced variations of the ISS inner radiation belt SAA regionT. P. DachevESA Active Dosimeter [EAD]—Status report on the ESA Tech Demo ActivityT. BergerScientific Session 9Results From Radiation Environment Measurements onboard Exomars Trace Gas Orbiter During the Transit and in High Eliptic Mars OrbitJ. SemkovaComparison of Liulin-MO dosimeter radiation measurements during ExoMars 2016 TGO cruise to Mars and dose estimations based on galactic cosmic ray modelV. BenghinLatest Updates from the MSL-RAD ExperimentC. ZeitlinScientific Session 10MSL-RAD Summary of model calculations and comparison to RAD dataD. MatthiäA generalized approach to model the spectra and radiation dose rate of solar particle events on the surface of MarsJ. GuoThe PERSEO Project: PErsonal Radiation Shielding for intErplanetary missiOnsG. BaioccoScientific Session 11ROSSINI 2—Study ResultsM. GiraudoMARE: International Science aboard Orion EM-1 (Matroshka AstroRad Radiation Experiment)R. GazaUpdate on Radiation Risks to Crew for a Cis-Lunar Mission: Impact of Shielding Thickness on Decision Making CriteriaS. El-JabyAdvanced Neutron Spectrometer on the International Space Station (ANS-ISS)M. ChristlScientific Session 12Update on Radiation Risks to Crew for a Cis-Lunar Mission: A Benchmark of Codes and Simulation GeometriesS. El-JabyPortable, Low-cost Proportional Counters for Space, Atmospheric and Ground based ApplicationsE. R. BentonAdvanced Radiation Monitoring on Exploration Mission 1 and beyond: The HERA SystemM. Leitgab
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